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Getting to CMU and getting around CMU

Time Event

6:00-8:00 P.M.

Welcome dinner and reception
Wyndham Hotel University Center, 100 Lytton Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Time Sessions and location:
6115 and 6th Floor Commons Area, Gates Hillman Complex, Carnegie Mellon University (unless otherwise noted)
8:30-9:30 A.M.
9:30-10:15 A.M.Welcome
Jelena Kovačević, Hamerschlag University Professor and Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Annette Jacobson, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, College of Engineering

Diana Marculescu, David Schramm Professor and Associate Department Head for Academic Affairs, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Frank Pfenning, Professor and Department Head, School of Computer Science
10:15-10:45 A.M.
10:45-12:00 P.M.
Poster session I (View participants for this Sesssion)
12:00-1:30 P.M.
1:30-2:30 P.M.Preparing for the job process: Developing a research statement
Jelena Kovačević
2:30-3:30 P.M.
Preparing for the job process: Developing teaching/diversity statements
Jelena Kovačević
3:30-3:45 P.M.
3:45-4:45 P.M.
Preparing for the job process: Interview & job talk
Jelena Kovačević
4:45-5:45 P.M.Preparing for the job process: Negotiation
Ayana Ledford
5:45 P.M.-6:20 P.M.Tour of Nanofab facility, Eden Hall Foundation Cleanroom
Scott Hall, Fourth Floor
6:30-8:30 P.M.Banquet dinner and talk
Manuela Veloso
( please note location change, directions can be found here)
Singleton Room, Roberts Engineering Hall, Carnegie Mellon University
Time Sessions and location:
6115 and 6th Floor Commons Area, Gates Hillman Complex, Carnegie Mellon University (unless otherwise noted)
8:30-9:00 A.M.Breakfast
9:00-10:00 A.M.Panel on promotions: moderated by Diana Marculescu
Justine Cassell, Jose' Moura, Frank Pfenning, and Larry Pileggi
10:00-11:00 A.M.Junior faculty panel: moderated by Limin Jia and Emma Brunskill
Andy Pavlo, Aswin Sankaranarayanan, Aarti Singh, Carlee Joe-Wong
11:00-11:15 A.M.Break
11:15-12:30 P.M.Poster session II (View participants for this Sesssion)
12:30-2:00 P.M.Lunch with senior women: Mentorship and building a network
Diana Marculescu
2:00-3:00 P.M.How to start your own company
Priya Narasimhan
3:00-3:15 P.M.Break
3:15 - 4:15 P.M.Poster session III (View participants for this Sesssion)
4:15-5:00 P.M.Closing remarks and feedback